Catalyst Conversations

Finding the intersection of creativity, culture and commercial success with Vanessa Morley, Director of People & Culture for Nine.

We Are Unity

How do you design a workplace culture that resonates with journalists and entertainment media alike? What role can work subcultures play in a dynamic and diverse working environment?

Director of People & Culture for Nine, Vanessa Morley joins Ben Bars in our first podcast edition of Catalyst Conversations.

Conversation highlights:

  •  Why Nine Australia saw Vanessa as the perfect fit for her role within the group
  • The difference in pace between FMCG and a Media organisation
  • The critical value of risk taking in a fast moving industry
  • Setting the right conditions to foster and inspire creativity in a commercial business
  • The subtle difference between guidance and direction
  • Establishing a flexible approach to balancing Journalism and entertainment media.
  • Nailing internal comms in an organisation full of writers and creatives
  • The new role of Nine’s new office ‘campus’.
  • The significance and impact the Nine/Fairfax merger
  • Establishing a strong foundational work culture in a highly diverse workplace

Keen for more?

What role does culture play in driving your organisation’s commercial success? We Are Unity organisational psychologist Nick Tucker shares the method and the impact of putting culture at the centre of your brand strategy.

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